Advent Wreath

Daily Meditations around the Advent Wreath


You are invited to make a simple wreath that includes five candles:  a white Christ candle in the centre, and four coloured candles in the circle of the wreath. Make the advent wreath from twigs and leaves, paper and tinsel, flowers and fabric – whatever is at hand.



There are six meditations for each week.  In the fourth week, adjust the other four daily meditations around those specifically for Christmas Day and Boxing Day.


Choose a carol, a Taize chant or an aria or chorus from Handel’s Messiah  to accompany you for each week of this Advent journey.  Some suggestions are given on the first day of each week, or choose your own favourites.

Sing or play the piece as you light the candle and become still, or during a pause in the meditation, or as a way to bring the time of prayer to a close.

Advent week 1

Advent week 2

Advent week 3

Advent week 4

These files are in A4 pages.

For an Advent meditations booklet form  to print out, use this PDF.