
We want to see the good news of Jesus

proclaimed in word and deed,  power and love.

We have a God who is working to renew all things and to restore wholeness of life

 to individuals and communities, rich and poor alike.

We work for justice, proclaim God’s grace,

and lift all things to God in prayer.


rooftop view




Trust in God at all times, people. Pour out your hearts to the Holy One.

For God alone my soul waits in silence.




Sing      Be thou my vision, O Lord of my heart. Naught be all else to me save that thou art.

Thou my best thought in the day and the night; waking or sleeping, thy presence my light.


We await your healing and wholeness – individually and in community.


God to enfold me, God to surround me

God in my speaking, God in my thinking

God in my sleeping, God in my waking

God in my watching, God in my hoping

God in my life, God in my lips

God in my soul, God in my heart


We await your healing and wholeness – rich and poor alike.




O Lord of All Being, it is so challenging for us to bring the whole Christ to the whole world.  We more often bring “a broken Christ, a lame Christ, a crooked Christ deformed by us.”[1]


Our world is fragmented: creatures disconnected from creation, nations torn by powerful interests, families broken by arrogance and addiction, nature spoiled by thoughtless consumption.

Come Lord Jesus


We are fragmented: hearts divided, prayers separated from actions, justice isolated from love, the holy distant from the human.

Come Lord Jesus


We long for integrity of word and deed, to be wholly holy and wholly human, to be healed and healing.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.


We give thanks for opportunities to speak of Jesus, for happenings that reveal God’s grace, for actions that redeem injustices.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.




Psalm 146         or         Isaiah 58           or         Luke 24: 36-49

John 9                          Mark 2: 1-12                  Col 1: 15-20


Silence for reflecting on the readings      




:A time of prayer and anointing for healing and wholeness
:Sing: “May our Kingdom Come” – Tom Wuest

:Gospel contemplation on one of the Gospel encounters with Jesus



Let’s hold in the light and protection of God our care of this planet Earth, and especially today….


Silence or open prayer

Ruapehu toitoi



Loving Creator and Father,

You are God of the miraculous and the mundane.

No detail escapes your attention,

No-one is excluded from your care.

You hold together suffering and celebration,

Work and rest, hope and struggle.

You put together what has come apart.


Whatever is on your heart today

Let it be on ours, too.

The concerns of our communities and our neighbours,

Let them be ours, too.

Help us use every tool in our hands

And every gift of the Spirit

To serve your reign of justice, health and peace.


In a broken and disordered world

On earth as in heaven

Your Kingdom come!               Amen

[1] Mother Teresa